S.No. Publication NAAS Rating
1. Kumar, S., Singh, D. R., Singh, A., Singh, N. P., & Jha, G. K. (2020). Does Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practice Enhance Productivity and Reduce Risk Exposure? Empirical Evidence from Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT), India. Sustainability, 12(17), 6965 8.59
2. Kumar, S., Singh, D. R., Jha, G. K., & Singh, N. P. (2020). Impact of natural resource management technologies on technical efficiency in sorghum cultivation: application of meta-frontier and endogenous switching regression model. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 33, 95-108 5.90
3. Suresh Kumar, D. R. Singh, G.K. Jha, H. Biswas and B. Mondal. (2021). Identification of Key Determinants of Soil and Water Conservation Measures: Some Useful Insights from a Review of Adoption Studies. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91 (1): 8-15 6.25
4. Praveen K.V., Singh, A., Jha, G. K., Kumar, P., Immanuelraj Thanaraj, K., & Korekallu Srinivasa, A. (2021). What Drives the Use of Organic Fertilizers? Evidence from Rice Farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Sustainability, 13(17), 9546.  
5. K V Praveen and Alka Singh. 2019. Realizing the potential of a low-cost technology to enhance cropyields: evidence from a meta-analysis of biofertilizers in India. Agricultural Economics Research Review 2019, 32 (Conference No), 77-91 5.90
6. K V Praveen, Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, G.K Jha, and I Kingsly. (2020) Advancing with fertilizers in Indian agriculture: trends, challenges, and research priorities. Agricultural Economics Research Review 2020, 33 (Conference No), 49-60. 5.90
7. K V Praveen, Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, G.K Jha, I Kingsly and Aditya K.S. Indian fertilizer subsidy conundrum: Tracking the recent developments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4) 6.25
8. Praveen K.V, Alka Singh and Aditya K.S. Exploring the global research trends in biofertilizers: a bibliometric approach . 3 Biotech 11, 304 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-021-02794-9 7.80
9. What Drives the Use of Organic Fertilizers? Evidence from Rice Farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Sustainability, 13(17), 9546 8.58
10. Upadhyaya, L., Burman, R. R., Sharma, J. P., Padaria, R. N., Paul, S., & Sen, B. (2019). Innovation mapping in agriculture: Relating with technology dissemination and adoption lags in crop sector in India (No. 285054). Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES)  
11. Das, B., Satyapriya., Singh, P., Sangeetha, V., Bhowmik, A., & Ray, P. (2019). Growth and Instability in Area, Production, Productivity and Consumption of Millets in India: An Analysis. Indian Journal of Extension education, 55(4), 158. 5.95
12. Das, B., Satyapriya., Singh, P., Sangeetha, V., & Ray, P. (2020). Prospects of Millets and Millet based Products as Nutri-health Food: Stakeholders’ Analysis. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 5.22
13. Das, B., Satyapriya., Singh, P., Sangeetha, V., Bhowmik, A., Bana, R.S., Rakshit, S. (2020). Perception of farmers and urban consumers about millets and millet-based products as nutri-health food. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development. 5.67