Just send us your experience and concerns and we will give you the aid you need
Towards Developing Human Resources to Harness the Global Gene Pool for Sustainable Agriculture
I am glad that I could be a part of the training program and I am grateful to the organizing team for the same. I am thankful for grooming me with inspiring talks and wonderful training delivered by the eminent resource personalities. It was my first training and I really enjoyed and learned a lot from it. It was very well designed, practical and valuable for anyone who wants to enhance their technical skills
Yogesh HC, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Thanks to NAHEP IARI team for organizing this wonderful training. It was well planned and executed. I consider myself lucky to get this opportunity. All 5 days were well spent with eminent resource personalities, co-participants and prompt organizing team. It was the best learning experience. Expecting the same guidance in the future
Thakare Pranali Namdeo, PDKV, Maharashtra
I have gained confidence in learning Data Analysis. Also, I got some new ideas to improve my current research work. Sessions were informative right from sampling to data analysis which forms the crux of economic research work.
Babita Khatayat, NDRI, Karnal, Haryana
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Time Series Techniques for Forecasting in Agriculture Dec 1 to 10, 2021
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New Youtube Channel for NAHEP-CAAST
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