S.No. Conference Presentation
1. Suersh Kumar presented the Determinants of Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Measures: A Systematic Review for Policy Makers’ Perspective” In International Conference on Soil and Water Resources Management for Climate Smart Agriculture, Global Food and Livelihood Security organised by Soil Conservation Society of India, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation and International Soil Conservation Organization held at NASC, New Delhi, India from 5-9 November 2019.
2. Suresh Kumar presented the Impact of natural resource management technologies on technical efficiency in sorghum cultivation: application of meta-frontier and endogenous switching regression model in 28th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Research Association (India)
3. Suresh Kumar presented the Impact of a Natural Resource Conservation Technology on Productivity and Efficiency in Drought Prone Areas of Karnataka”, 80th Annual Conference of ISAE at Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARDS), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu).
4. Praveen K.V. Participated and presented paper at the 27th Annual conference of Agricultural Economics Research Association titled Changing Landscape of Rural India held at PAU Ludhiana from 17 to 19 December 2019.
5. Praveen K.V. Participated and presented paper at the 28th Annual conference of Agricultural Economics Research Association titled Future of Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, held virtually at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bengaluru, Karnataka from16-18 December 2020
6. Praveen K.V. Participated and presented paper at the 80th Annual conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, held virtually under the auspices of CARDS Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore from10-12 February 2021
7. Laxmipriya Upadhyaya Participated, poster presented and abstract published “Delineating Adoption Laggardness and Factors Affecting Adoption of Innovation in India”, submitted by Laxmipriya Upadhyaya, Rajarshi Roy Burman, Jagdish Prasad Sharma, Rabindra Nath Padaria, Sudipta Paul in the XIV Agricultural Science Congress 2019.
8. Praveen K.V. and Alka Singh. (2021). Does Organic Fertilizer Adoption Reduce Crop Revenue? Evidence from Rice Farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Paper presented at the 31st Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists, New Delhi India (virtually).
9. Praveen K.V., Alka Singh, Aditya K.S., Girish Kumar Jha, Pramod Kumar, Kingsly I Raj. (2021). Effect of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) policy on fertilizer sales in India. Poster presented at the 2021 AAEA & WAEA Joint annual meeting. August 1-3, 2021, Austin, Texas virtually.
10. Suresh Kumar, D R Singh, Biswajit Mondal, Venkatesh P and Anil Kumar. (2021). Does Adoption of Soil Bund Increase Sorghum Productivity? Some Empirical Evidence from Drought Prone Areas of Karnataka, India. Paper presented at the 31st Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists, New Delhi India (virtually).