Student Thesis Programmes Selected under CAAST

S.No. Name of the Student Roll No. Degree Discipline Thesis Title
1 Ms. Sneha Nymagoud 10829 Ph.D. Genetics Genetics and Mapping of Leaf Rust resistance Gene(s) in Triticum
timopheevii Zhuk. Introgression Lines in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
2 Ms. Seema Sheoran 11045 Ph.D. Genetics Marker assisted improvement of Pusa Basmati 1121 for Brown Plant
hopper resistance
3 Mr. Vishal Dinkar 10614 Ph.D. Genetics Mapping of leaf rust resistance genes in Triticum spelta and Triticum
monococcum derived lines in wheat
4 Mr. Mukesh Sankar S. 11054 Ph.D. Genetics Association mapping for blast resistance gene(s) in Pearl Millet
(Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br)
5 Ms. Bhuvaneswari S 10827 Ph.D. Genetics Characterization of Manipur aromatic rice germplasm and genetic
improvement of Manipur black rice cultivar Chakhao Poireiton (Oryza
sativa L.)
6 Mr. Vinay N.D. 11130 Ph.D. Vegetable Science Association mapping for yield related traits in bitter gourd (Momordica
charantia L.) and comparative genome analysis with M. balsamina)
7 Mr. Jayanta Jamatia 10898 Ph.D. Vegetable Science Molecular characterization of Fom2 gene for the development and
validation of marker(s) associated with resistance to Fusarium wilt in muskmelon.
8 Mr. Sridhar Ramchandra 11043 Ph.D. Fruits & HT Mapping QTLs for fruit quality traits in mango
9 Ms. Megha R 20979 M.Sc. Fruits & HT Biochemical Profiling and SSR polymorphism studies on mango germplasm
10 Mr. Nikhil H.N. 20981 M.Sc. Fruits & HT Exploring the Cold Stress Tolerance associated gene/transcripts in Papaya using Omics Approaches
11 Mr. Elangovan A 11098 Ph.D. Plant Physiology Phenomics of water use efficiency and drought tolerance in rice
12 Mr. Biswabiplab Singh 11097 Ph.D. Plant Physiology Phenomics of heat tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat
13 Mr. D.V. Bhargav 20952 M.Sc. Biochemistry Molecular mapping and kinetics of lipase for enhancing the quality of pearl millet flour through nutrigenomics approach
14 Mr. Shah Noor Alam 20953 M.Sc. Biochemistry Exploring the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Based Sensors and their Regulatory Network Operating under Heat Stress in wheat using Omics Approaches
15 Ms. Sharani Choudhury 10836 Ph.D. Mol. Biol & Biotech Identification of the genes and pathway introgressed from wild species Diplotaxis erucoides in Brassica juncea for developing Alternaria resistance
16 Mr. Soham Choudhury 11068 Ph.D. Mol. Biol & Biotech Identification of the cis-and trans acting factors governing the regulation of Ran 1 GTPase in wheat
17 Mr. Kuldeep Kumar 10842 Ph.D. Mol. Biol & Biotech Identification of genes and markers associated with flowering trait in diverse pigeonpea genotypes
18 Mr. Lalbahadur Singh 10696 Ph.D. Mol. Biol & Biotech Genome-wide discovery and characterization of miRNAs and target genes under water-deficit stress conditions in chickpea
19 Ms. Arfa Anjum 10596 Ph.D. Bioinformatics Study on Biological Sequence Segmentation using Statistical and Algorithmic Approach
20 Mr. Ramesh K B 10798 Ph.D. Entomology Dynamics of endosymbiont interaction in Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)
21 Ms. Ramya N 10789 Ph.D. Entomology Biosystematic studies of family Delphacidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from India
22 Mr. Kuleshwar P. Sahu 10651 Ph.D. Plant Pathology Structure and functional analysis of rice phyllospheric bacteria for their antimicrobial properties and defense elicitation against blast disease
23 Ms. Shweta Meshram 10866 Ph.D. Plant Pathology Mechanism of resistance in maize inbred lines during Maydis leaf blight infection
24 Ms. Chaitra G.B 11075 Ph.D. Nematology A molecular investigation of the Heterorhabditis indica nematode factors involved in symbiosis with the Photorhabdus luminescens ssp. akhurstii bacteria
25 Mr. Dash M. Pitabas 10845 Ph.D. Nematology Deciphering susceptibility/resistance against Meloidogyne graminicola in activation tagged mutant rice lines by whole genome sequencing, transcriptomics and CRISPR-Cas mediated gene knockout system
26 Ms. Dhivya P. Thenappan 11065 Ph.D. Microbiology Genome based analysis of rice-actinbacterial interactions
27 Mr. Mayur Giridhar Naitam 11061 Ph.D. Microbiology Insights into the genome of halophilic archaea: Prospecting agriculturally important genes
28 Mr. Alok Kumar Sahoo 10755 Ph.D. Agri Extension Stakeholders Risk Benefit Perception and Acceptance Behaviour for GM Crops in India
29 Ms. Laxmipriya Upadhyaya 10962 Ph.D. Agri Extension Analyzing Extension Education Needs of Agricultural Scientists for Innovation Promotion
30 Ms. YinYin Thant 21055 M.Sc. Agri Extension Designing E-Learning Module on Improved Rice Cultivation Technologies for Enhanced Information Dissemination among the Stakeholders in Myanmar
31 Mr. Chandan Gowda H 20932 M.Sc. Agri Extension Contingency planning for climate change adaptation : An analysis of technological feasibility, institutional arrangements and adoptionr
32 Mr. Prashant 20930 M.Sc. Agri Extension Health and Nutritional security of farm women: A Multidimensional study
33 Mr. Bhagirath Das 20933 M.Sc. Agri Extension Status, prospects and challenges of millets as nutri-health food for enhancing nutritional security in India : Stakeholders’ analysis