To develop online teaching facility and online courses for enhancing the teaching and learning efficiency, and scientific communications skills

To develop a modern tele-education facility: The CAAST centre will be equipped with all modern teaching facilities required for teleconferencing and online teaching to facilitate national and international lectures/conferences. Lectures from Scientists of international repute from India and abroad will be arranged periodically, and will be telecasted for the benefit of the PG and Ph.D. students. Development and delivery of Online Courses: The centre will develop online teaching resources in the area of genomics-assisted crop improvement useful for the PG and Ph.D. students working in the core- and associated disciplines in the National Agricultural Research and Education System. Principles and methods in genomics. Genomics in plant genetic resources management High throughput genotyping for crop improvement Next generation phenotyping & phenomics Genomics-assisted breeding for field crops Genomics-assisted Improvement of horticultural crops Stress genomics Nutrigenomics Seed genomics Molecular basis of host-pathogen Interaction Molecular microbial ecology Rhizosphere engineering Genome editing of crops R programming for hi-dimensional genome data analysis Artificial intelligence & machine learning.

To develop and/or strengthen state-of-the art next-generation genomics and phenomics facilities for producing quality PG and Ph.D. students

The proposed CAAST intends to establish a centralized facility consisting of advanced next generation genotyping and phenotyping platforms for omics analysis under one roof as “Discovery Centre”. The facility will also be useful for cutting edge PG research in the area of genomics, hands-on training and experiential learning for large-scale skill development through certificate courses and periodic faculty trainings. Establishment of a next generation genomics lab. Establishment of next generation field phenotyping platforms. Establishment of Genome editing lab.. Establishment of big-data analytics Lab.

To develop collaborative research programmes with institutes of international repute and industries in the area of genomics and phenomics

Two weeks to three months short courses in association with industries to PG students of IARI/CAUs/SAUs for skill development. Selected PG students from IARI will pursue their partial research programme in the collaborating institutes/industries labs on mutually agreed terms and conditions. Training of selected PG students of IARI at the collaborating institutes/industries. Training of selected faculty of the CAAST at the collaborating institutes/industries.

To enhance the skills of faculty and PG students of IARI and NARES

The faculty and PG student will use the CAAST facilities and resources to carryout cutting edge research in the area of genomics. Periodic trainings and workshops will be conducted for students and faculties from other Institutes. The in-house faculty and students will be sent to off-shore international conferences and trainings in the areas of genomics to broaden their knowledge as well as to develop new research collaborations To conduct periodic workshops and trainings. To offer certificate courses in the area of genomics. Training of CAAST faculties in labs abroad and Industries.. Participation in National and international conference.

To generate and analyze big data in genomics and phenomics of crops, microbes and pests for genomics augmentation of crop improvement and management

The CAAST facility and resources will be used by M.Sc. and Ph.D. students and faculty of IARI for conducting cutting edge research in the area of genomics to produce basic and strategic research outputs useful for crop improvement and management Deciphering of genotype-phenotype relationship using big-data of various OMICs. Genome editing of crops Development of computational tool Enhancing computational biology skills of faculty and students Development of elite genotypes and management technologies.