Application of chemicals is not a sustainable solution in the long term. Therefore, to mitigate the crop losses, an innovative approach must be taken. Plant associated microorganisms play a vital role for sustainable growth of the plants. In the recent years, microbe assisted crop production has gained momentum and is expected to revolutionize the agricultural production.

IARI-ICAR, New Delhi has core strength in genomics and can conduct advanced genomic programs. With this strength, IARI has come forward for the benefit of the students for a bright future. National Agricultural Higher Education Project – Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (NAHEP – CAAST), ICAR, New Delhi sponsored Student’s Winter School on “Genomics of plant pathogens and agriculturally important microbes”. Twenty-five trainees pursuing either MSc or Ph.D. were invited to attend lectures on principles and practices of basic and advanced genomic techniques used in Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Nematology. Apart from that, trainees were also provided

  • Video demonstrations and visits for sequencing and computing facilities
  • Group activities for case studies
  • Presentations and Quiz
The trainees who couldn’t be the part of training program were facilitated with webcast over the period of training.