Dr. Alka Singh visited Seed Science Center of Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA as a guest researcher. She acquired a global perspective regarding seed policy, seed systems, trade, and regulatory as well as biosafety issues related to genetically modified agricultural products as well as policies.With the cross country perspective, she got wise to the fact about science-based analysis on the risks and benefits of biotech products, as well as guidance and recommendations to policy and regulatory groups, to private entities, and to the public. She also did meta-analysis and studied stakeholders’ perspectives on the impact of GM products on pesticide use, society, economy, and ecosystem.
Apart from that, she got exposure on the development of e-learning resources in niche areas of agricultural sciences at Iowa State University. This invaluable opportunity not only enabled her to look forward to future collaboration but also gain expertise and organize similar facilities in IARI mandated under the NAHEP project.
Besides, Dr. Alka was also invited to be part of the Everson Global Seed Symposium, 2019 held in the University of Iowa State during Oct 13-15, 2019 in conjunction with World Food Prize Award ceremonies. She gave a presentation on “The Seed Systems in India: Opportunities and Challenges”. The symposium covered a wide range of seed-related topics, including the role seeds play in everyday life, how seed technology and supportive policies can lead to more nutritious food, and how the genetic material contained in seeds is stored in a global network of seed banks.
The Seed Science Centre at Iowa State University, USA is a center of excellence nationally and internationally in seed research, education, technology transfer, commercialization and seed Business. Her trip to Seed Science Centre at the University was a vivacious experience which could strengthen research programmes and energize student research in India.