Inauguration Ceremony Exploration & Germplasm Collection: Status, Priorities and Future Thrust Practical: From Field to The Herbarium of Cultivated Plants: ‘The Hidden Garden of Plant Genetic Resources’ Avenues and Opportunities for PGR Utilization: and Industry Perspective International and National Regulations Governing the use of PGR PGR Informatics PGR Management and Utilization: An Ethos of Indian Traditional Agriculture and Civilizations Characterization and Evaluation of PGR Role of ICAR-NBPGR in PGR Management Germplasm Collecting: Logistics and Tactics PGR – Conservation and Management Introduction and Exchange of PGR Plant Tissue Culture Interventions for Management of Plant Genetic Resources Principles and Applications of Cryopreservation Some Important Plant Resources from Western Ghats Principles of Plant Quarantine and National Quarantine Setup in India Quarantine Procedures for Exchange of PGR